KARTENSET Body Conditioning
The FITz Lucky Dip Body Conditioning cards deck consists of 54 cards, each showing visuals of
exercises that incorporate the essential Iifestyie movements... SIT, STAND, PUSH and PULL:
• Alternate Leg Thrusts
• Star Jumps
• Press Ups
• Crunches
When a Joker card is revealed you must complete 20 repetitions
(yes 100 in total... it is called Joker for a reason!) of each of the above 4 exercises with the addition of:
• Squats
There are 4 FIT-z combination cards included, each with a different number of repetitions and which combine the Iifestyle movements into 1 single exercise carried out in the following sequence, which equals 1 repetition:
• Squat (place your palms on the floor below shoulders)
• Thrust (both legs back)
• Press (down and up)
• Up (pump the legs back in and stand up)
Always begin by shuffling all the cards and dividing into 4 sections. The first 2 sections should have 14 cards and the remaining 2 sections will have 13 cards. Complete the number of repetitions for each exercise denoted on the corner of each card, before moving onto the next one. Be sure to complete the exercises in the order the cards randomly appear... just like a Lucky Dip, you never know what is coming next!
A 1-2 minute break can be taken between sections. Alternatively, advanced users may wish to introduce 60 second sprints or 30 seconds of tuck jumps between each section. The full work out is finished when all4 sections are complete.
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